In addition to the existing products, TerracottaTCM now also has 'TINCTURES'!

The developments within Terracotta TCM Europe BV follow each other in rapid succession. Where we started with products consisting of a combination of mushrooms, such as our Rockstar, Bohdi Zhi, Xi'An, Amitabha and Shou Xing, we have subsequently developed new products consisting of a combination of mushrooms, but now supplemented with herbs and vitamins: Hormone Harmony and Relax.

We can say with conviction that the above products have found their way and are increasingly finding their way to people who recognize and have experienced the value and power of these mushroom products. The testimonials of many of our customers, as shown on our website, speak for themselves.

What we have noticed recently is a clear change in choices people make regarding their own self-care. More and more people are choosing to also use the possibilities offered by nature as a secondary 'supporting' or sometimes as a primary treatment method.

To support that process, we have developed six mushroom tinctures. These tinctures contain, among other things, water, organic mushroom powder, organic alcohol and vitamins.

More news will follow soon!

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