NB: Hover your cursor over the testimonial you want to read to prevent the carousel from automatically switching to the next testimonial.
In February 2023 I was told I had breast cancer. This came as a thunderbolt as I really had no complaints and felt very good. My regular process would take about a year with all the trimmings. 16 chemotherapy treatments, mastectomy and 15 radiation treatments. Even though I was completely upset, I went to my local reform home before the treatments started. I indicated what my diagnosis was and what treatments awaited me. I then simply asked: What can I do to get through it as best as possible?
The immediate advice was to start with a high dose of Rockstar and Xian from Terracotta, plus some other supplements. At first I found it difficult because I was afraid that it might counteract the chemo, but after researching it carefully, I went for it. I decided not to discuss it with my oncologist and keep it completely to myself. During the first 4 heavy chemotherapy treatments, I was still careful with the dosage because I first wanted to wait for the results of the MRI that I would receive after these treatments. When it turned out that the tumors had been halved, I thought, now I'm going for it! From that moment on I took 3 capsules of each 3 times a day.
My journey has now been completed and the tumor has now been surgically removed. When I look back on the process, I got through it very well compared to my fellow sufferers at the time. I had few side effects, little fatigue, no neuropathy and retained a lot of energy. I told my fellow sufferers about Terracotta, but unfortunately they made different choices. A missed opportunity for them in my opinion, because they had and still have all the above side effects. Unfortunately, you cannot prove that these supplements have made things so good, but I am convinced! I will continue to use these supplements for the rest of my life to stay healthy. My first annual check-up was 2 months ago and my oncologist and surgeon separately said that they had rarely seen someone who had gone through the process so well. For me this is an additional confirmation for the use of the supplements!
I'm fighting cancer and I'm winning
It was January 2016 that I was diagnosed with breast cancer with metastasis to my liver and bones through my lymph and blood system.
My liver was so bad that only chemotherapy was still possible if my liver would survive. My life expectancy was a few months, 12 weeks was their prognosis.
From day one I started making and drinking homemade fresh raw shakes of organic fruits and vegetables along with juices.
In addition, I had a cocktail of supplements that I continued to take with the shakes and juices (when I was still alive after two months). My body could no longer handle the chemotherapy and from the end of May 2016 I switched to chemo pills.
These did not catch on for the first two months, but luckily it slowly became more stable after that.
My supplements have adapted to my needs, because I was getting better and better.
I already took different types of mushrooms in my supplements, but never knew exactly which dosage was right for me, until I came into contact with Terracotta products in September 2017. I then started with Terracotta Immunity and Terracotta Rockstar which were much more user friendly.
My initial dose (3×3) was not enough given the severity of my illness. After consultation with the people behind Terracotta, I started in January 2018 with a higher dose (3 × 4) capsules per day of each ( Immunity and Rockstar ).
I soon got the feeling that my body reacted much better to that and the CT scans of March and July 2018 clearly showed that.
My liver started to look better.
Currently no tumors can be found in my breast, lymph - lower back and liver.. Tumor marker is only 4. So they can't see if there is anything left. There are two more spots on my liver that have again shrunk and one cannot say for sure what it is, could also be scar tissue. For me it is a matter of a positive attitude in combination with healthy eating, no sugars and no proteins (I am a vegetarian) with additional supplements supplemented with Terracotta supplements.
And a positive attitude is an advantage.
All this has led to the fact that I am currently allowed to sign for another two years, my oncologist says… two, he is mistaken, I was thinking 20 years earlier!
It will be different for everyone how people will react to the Terracotta products. I hear several positive results and miraculous results from people who have finished treatment and I would therefore not like to have walked the same path without these Terracotta supplements.
The Terracotta ingredients are medically backed up in hospitals and have been shown in studies to help!
Thanks for this!
And Terracotta: I'll go ahead and spread the word!! There are so many people who would benefit from this!!
Cancer Free
Verlserbroek, January 2019 At the end of 2016 I was diagnosed with skin cancer (aggressive melanoma) and I was treated at the Anthony van Leeuwenhoek Hospital. Nevertheless, in 2017 my cancer spread throughout my body. Metastases grew in my lung – liver and my lymph nodes. This was life threatening.At the beginning of 2018 I started taking Terracotta TCM (10 capsules Xi' An, 10 capsules Rockstar, 5 Bodhi Zhi per day). Since then a huge improvement has been made. Today my cancer is almost gone, I have the medical reports. They are available on request. And a previous conclusion (July 2018) which I posted below, my situation has since improved significantly since this report. Today no more cancer is visible !!
July 2018*
Very strong reduction in the size of the lesions in the subcutaneous fat, especially on the chest wall*
Very strong reduction in the size of the lung lesions that are no longer recognizable as such*
Reduction of left lung hilum lymphadopathy*
No abnormality visible in the intestinal package*
No liver metastases
I am an eternally grateful man, Terracotta TCM thank you very much !!
Ger, 75 years old
I feel reborn
I've had pituitary adenoma surgery in the past. I have Acromegaly from this. As a result, I use the highest monthly dose of Sonatine injections. After using Terracotta TCM pills I have a clear improvement in blood values and energy and I no longer have joint pains. I am now on the lowest dose of Somatoline injections and I feel fantastic. All blood values are very much improved. I feel reborn . I heartily recommend it!In addition, I am an Orthomolecular Therapist by profession and I can speak of very satisfied patients in my practice who also use Terracotta TCM pills. Nice support for autoimmune diseases and also to support cancer patients during chemotherapy. Stunningly beautiful results! In my opinion, Terracotta makes a very nice contribution!
It saved my life
On New Year's Eve 2015, I had a cough and blood came out when I coughed. Pneumonia I thought. Immediately to the hospital on January 1, 2016 and then the whole circus started running. Biopsy in my left lung showed that I have the aggressive small cell lung carcinoma in my left lung, already more than 4 cm in size. And with larger than 2 cm, the rule is that it has already spread to the brain. A brain scan showed that luckily I didn't have that. There was another tumor in my right lung. A biopsy had to be taken there. I have been coughing up blood for about 6 weeks and then the doctors took periodic pictures and from then on the tumor disappeared from day 1, even before I started the chemo. The tumor in my right lung was not even biopsied anymore because it had already become too small. The doctor told me that this cancer must have arisen after the summer of 2015. Exactly in a major stress period that I was in and where I had also neglected, read forgot, to regularly take my cordyceps (Rockstar) from Terracotta. I took Rockstar for a year before this diagnosis because I wanted to get more energy. I'm sure the stress I had at the time combined with not taking the Rockstar pills allowed the cancer to develop then.
Now the doctor did not understand that it had not spread to the brain, I am convinced that it is because I regularly took the Cordyceps (Rockstar).
In the beginning I was given a maximum of three months and they only wanted to treat palliatively. 1% saves the second year of life and there is no chance of a cure. Now I immediately changed my lifestyle and completely focused on healthy eating. In addition, I have started using large amounts of Terracotta Rockstar and Immunity (Xi'An), 16 capsules total per day. That's why the doctors had decided to treat me anyway because of my progress. And I started in February. All this time I have not had any problems with the chemotherapy that I have undergone, not even with the preventive radiation. I have had 10 preventive radiation treatments on my head and a total of 33 radiation treatments aimed at my lungs (right and left). The irradiation on my head took a toll on me , and I suffered from severe fatigue . But despite that I was able to continue working, something the doctors described as a kind of slapstick movie. Against everyone's expectations and statistics I was already clean after 6 months in the sense that there was nothing left to see on the scan and in my blood. Now we are already two years further and all periodic scans and blood tests indicate that I am "clean".
This boy continues to take Terracotta because without it I wouldn't be here right now.
In addition, I would also like to advise anyone in a similar situation to immediately start living a healthy life if something like this happens to you. Leave the sugars and no more pastries and filled cakes, less carbohydrates, healthy and varied food. With all the food I took garlic and herbs such as parsley and many vegetables etc. Even more important is to keep all negative influences out of your environment. People around you all think that you are already dying and behave that way , some unconsciously . Even my own children. It's important that everyone just behaves that things will be okay, it's just one more obstacle to overcome. Nothing wrong.
Finally, I want to say that I did not report it to my doctors. Because this knowledge is described in the medical library, but doctors have not had it in their studies for years and they do not know it and then often portray it as nonsense. They have studied “chemical” medicine. And what the farmer does not know, they do not eat. They are, after all, just people. I already know several people who, against the statistics, are still among us. The fact that Terracotta TCM works can no longer be denied. Kees van der PlasThis is a pseudonym as I do not want to use my own name on the internet . But anyone who wants to know more can contact Terracotta TCM and they will pass it on to me. I can then decide to contact you.
Goodbye Rheumatoid Arthritis
In October 2016 I started having pain in my left shoulder and in the joints of my fingers. My hands became swollen and the pain soon became unbearable. My doctor ran some blood tests and found a high level of C-reactive protein (CRP) which he said was an indication of high inflammation in the body and confirmed I had rheumatoid arthritis. I was referred to a specialist, who recommended Hydroxychloroquine, which he said he would administer in a phased dosing system so that the body would gradually get used to it. He told me that this was a degenerative disease and that there is no cure for it, so there is no cure, only a treatment to manage the pain and slow down the deterioration. When I read about the side effects of the treatment plan, including hair loss and vomiting, I decided to try alternative remedies. I couldn't accept that there wasn't a cure for this.
I started acupuncture at a local clinic run by a Chinese woman. This helped manage the pain, but as the clinician explained to me, acupuncture is not a cure for rheumatoid arthritis. She mentioned a treatment with a special fungus known as cordiceps, which is available in China. I started looking for this online and finally came across it Terracotta TCM production line in an ebay store. I contacted the seller and after hearing about my symptoms, he suggested to Immunity, now Xi'aN called , and rockstar taking one capsule of both three times a day.
Miraculously within five days after I met Immunity and rockstar I started feeling the swelling in my joints decrease and the pain became much more manageable. After a month I felt stronger than ever and my energy level increased tremendously. I had a scheduled blood test and an appointment with the arthritis counselor in February 2017. When we met, I explained that I had chosen an alternative path. He was very skeptical about my treatment and concerned that I had not taken the prescribed medicine and that I would have caused irreparable damage to my bones.
He took the blood tests and we had a follow up appointment about 10 days later. He was amazed at the low level of CRP in my blood. He asked me about my treatment and was amazed that the inflammation had completely disappeared. We talked at length about my situation , but even though he saw the results for himself , he did not want to see that this could work for someone else He fired me and told me to contact my doctor if symptoms reappeared .
It has now been almost two years since I first had the symptoms. The diagnosis of an incurable disease was unmistakable. The CRP blood indicator and my specific pain were completely consistent with rheumatoid arthritis. Finding it Terracotta range was a godsend for me. I now lead a full and active life. I go to the gym three times a week and have never felt so good. Anyone who suffers from rheumatism and reads this, give this a try, you have nothing to lose. You will be surprised, don't believe people who say there is no cure, there is one and it will change your life.
Stronger Physically and Mentally
I started a month ago with Terracotta's Rockstar, Superbrain and Immunity supplements and found them helpful in several ways.
I have been a lifelong athlete who still participates in swimming, running, and cycling groups weekly, and I was previously a swimmer on the United States "All America" team and was a college-level sports athlete. I now exercise 4 to 6 workouts each week, but as I moved into my 60s, I noticed that my body's ability to recover quickly began to slow down, and even with moderately aggressive workouts, recovery started to take much longer. Many days I was sore from my workouts the previous day, and had a general lack of energy and fatigue. Of course that is normal for any dedicated athlete of any age, but for me it became much more noticeable now.
When I started taking the 3 TCM supplements 3x every day I felt much better overall and noticed both physical and mental benefits. I no longer feel tired and wrecked on the days following my extensive workouts. And during many workouts, I noticed that my physical performance level and my endurance improved significantly. This performance improvement led to a positive mental energy for me and to more confidence in my athletic performance, that was a big plus !!
Mentally, I notice a general sense of well-being and increased self-confidence in personal and business relationships. Finally, I believe these supplements have improved my ability to better handle complex quantitative analysis tasks, and my increased stamina means I can now focus more and switch gears faster.
I recommend every athlete or sports athlete Iook Terracotta TCM Supplements to , and also for the “road warriors” among us
fun !!
Cancer Free
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. I received radiation but first refused chemotherapy. For this treatment I was treated by my brother Terracotta Immunity recommended. I took 3 tablets twice a day during my chemotherapy. After talking to other patients, I think the side effects of my treatment have decreased tremendously because of the Terracotta Products. I've been in remission ever since and was recently told it's gone. Thank you Terracotta, keep it up!
Recovering after stroke
My mother suffered a severe stroke in 2014. After a few years of rehabilitation, we also started trying other forms of medicine. We noticed that the progress had become minimal.
A naturopath has been giving my mother therapy for over a year and Terracotta capsules. Since the treatments and taking Terracotta rockstar, super brain and Immunity, there is clear progress.
My mother is more alert, she is able to repeat things better and to answer correctly or to say something on her own.
There is also physical progress such as more stamina and better blood circulation.
We are very happy with these results! The quality of my mother's life is still improved this way. Kim van Wijngaarden From her naturopath:
Her naturopath told her that the lady came in to her in a wheelchair at the time and could not speak except for making some noises. Now she can walk a lot better with a cane and her ability to speak is returning.
Second chance
Zandvoort 28-10-2018
At the beginning of April I visited my GP with vague abdominal complaints.
My GP could not diagnose what might be going on!
As a precaution, I was referred to a gynecologist in the hospital.
Immediately at the first examination it turned out that there was probably something serious going on.!
It was therefore suggested that a CT scan be performed.
The conclusion was unfortunately metastatic ovarian cancer!
As a result, I was referred to an oncologist.
In the evaluation interview, the situation turned out to be very serious and a heavy treatment program was proposed, ie heavy chemotherapy and major surgery!
Taking into account my age (80 years young) I have deliberately not done the heavy process.
I have opted for supportive chemotherapy and quality of life.!
My static life expectancy was only 6 months!
With the light chemotherapy I wanted to try to bring the cancer under control.
This meant 6 cycles of chemotherapy with a break of 3 weeks in between.
After the 3 rd chemotherapy a CT scan would be made.! In the meantime I had good contact with my naturopathic therapist.
In consultation with her I started an additional cure with rockstar and Immunity pills.
These pills have supported me a lot mentally and conditionally!
The tumor marker had dropped enormously and the CT scan showed almost nothing!.
Due to the favorable results, I canceled the last chemo treatment and took a few weeks of rest!
After this the last CT scan was made and nothing showed on this scan!
I am convinced that the combination: positive attitude, light chemotherapy,
and the Terracotta Pills [Rockstar and Immunity] greatly influenced the course of my illness!
I am so glad I chose this treatment and have been on it for 6 months now
Enjoyed life!
For now my future looks pretty good and the Terracotta I keep taking pills faithfully.
This is a report from a very grateful woman!
Remarkable improvement against everyone's expectations
Last summer I was told that I was out of treatment and nothing more can be done. The metastases resulting from my breast cancer are unstoppable. It's in my bones and lymph etc.
A woman of 80 years young from my neighborhood, who is twenty years older than me, also had cancer and had given up at the time and she was now happily walking around because she no longer had cancer. She pointed out to me to go to NatuurGeneekracht and to Terracotta TCM to ask for pills. Skeptical as I am, I first asked my oncologist. Did she say that if it makes me feel good I should do it but only for that because it won't work because it's all bullshit and it wouldn't help my illness. Money grab. Stubborn as I am I took it anyway and from then on my cancer stabilized at the first check-up and steadily decreased in size in the months after and my blood values were top. My oncologist was dumbfounded. I just told her I ignored her advice and yet Terracotta TCM started using. At least she was honest to admit and that she takes back her words and now wants to know more about it. I then handed over all the research I was given to her. It would be fantastic if more people seize this opportunity.
I am fully committed to it , especially now that I also know that so many have been helped. Mrs Vd Meent , NH
The Netherlands
Super fast recovery after major surgery
A few months ago I was diagnosed with some very large fibroids in my uterus. This resulted in fatigue and a lot of bleeding.
Initially, a uterus-saving operation was performed, but unfortunately this did not cure the complaints. The remaining fibroids had grown even larger and were the size of an orange. So a second surgery was planned to remove the uterus. About three weeks before the operation, a lady guessed the Terracotta pills used me to start it too. I started with 3×1 rockstar and Immunity and increased the dosage to 3×3 around the days of surgery. Two weeks after surgery I went back to 3×1. Meanwhile it's been 5 weeks and I feel like the old one. My energy level is better than it has been in a long time and according to my operating doctor I was very fast and strong on my feet!! So I'm a fan of it Terracotta. Keep up the good work! Femke , 35 years old , NH
I can/may still run the Nijmegen Four Days Marches with my husband, great!
When I was together with my husband for the 12e after walking the four-day walking tour of Nijmegen, he complained of muscle pain. Not illogical in itself if you have walked 226 kilometers, because it also bothered me. However, after a few days - after it had already gone from me - he was still suffering from it. To be on the safe side, we then made an appointment with our GP, because she was not there, we ended up with a substitute doctor who suggested my husband go to the physiotherapist. The physiotherapist we normally go to was also not there and the substitute concluded, after an initial treatment, that my husband was actually top fit and no treatments were necessary. We then went back to our own GP, who was back by then, and after hearing our story she decided to send us to the hospital for an ultrasound. A few days later, the doctor called to ask if she could come by. Our fears turned out to be true, my husband had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with possible metastases on the liver. What follows is a full hospital circuit with the end result being a conversation with an oncologist who tells you coldly: “We are going to start the chemo and your life expectancy is 3-6 months”. Your life collapses, but not for long. It has made me combative and I started reading all kinds of things about natural products and cures and ended up with Prof. dr. dr. CHJ (Casper) van Eijck. A doctor/surgeon specialized in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, who mainly sees treatment options for this type of cancer by strengthening the immune system. A doctor who is also open to the use of natural products and who advised us to finish the chemotherapy and then visit him. When we spoke to the oncologist after the last chemotherapy treatment and told him that we would go to Dr. Van Eijck, we were his words: "It's no use, the treatments are finished and he won't find anything!" Honesty requires me to say that the tumors had also disappeared due to the chemotherapy. When we told this story at our first appointment with Dr Van Eijck, his words were: “If your oncologist has told you that we are ready, I can tell you that we're just getting started!” So a completely different approach. My husband has undergone intensive immunity treatment and for the past four years that we have been treated by Dr Van Eijck, the results have been excellent, the blood values are fine and he also encourages the use of natural products. the Terracotta products that we use in addition to, for example, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and other natural products, he feels very good when using Amitabha and recently with Immunity. I tell this story because I hope that people will also use these Terracotta products when they hear what it has done for and with my husband. He feels super fit, can take on the world and we are looking forward to our next four days of Nijmegen together.
How Western and Eastern Medicine can complement and strengthen each other!
It was September 2020 when my husband Rob felt a bump on his neck. We then went straight to the
doctor, followed by a large number of examinations. Those tests showed that Rob had a tumor on his esophagus and metastases were found in the lymph nodes. We then started a treatment of 7 weeks with daily radiation including chemotherapy. In the meantime I went looking for a miracle pill with the hope of finding it somewhere. A seemingly impossible task, until a customer advised me to delve into the natural products of Terracotta. As a sober person I had my doubts and I also consulted my doctor about how she thought about the use of these products. Fortunately, she was positive about this and we took the step. I am convinced that the combination of Western and Eastern medicine has brought us to where we are today. My husband is now in the top ten of people in terms of the positive developments he has experienced after the initial diagnosis of the tumor. Partly due to the use of the Terracotta products (Rockstar and Immunity), his disease process has developed positively and the swelling has shrunk considerably after the removal of the lymph nodes. Rob feels fit and is full of joie de vivre again. I myself have regularly pointed out the positive properties of Terracotta products to people and I hope that many people will start using these nutritional supplements. How nice would it be if these resources were also reimbursed from the insurance package. It has now cost us a lot of money, but it is nothing compared to the positive experiences we have had by using these products. Life smiles at us again!
Being sick is more than the physical discomfort!!
If I can use this story to advocate for people's attention, and by that I also mean people and not patients, and also Terracotta's products, then I have achieved my goal. It was last year that I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Then time stands still and you go into the mill of investigations and chemotherapies. All hope then is that it will help and that years can be added to your life. That was not to be. November 2020 I again received a very cold message "You have metastases in the lungs." No attention to the patient, just this one 'hard' message. How are you then? Your world is falling apart, you are going to count your days and on the other hand you don't want to give up. That is how I also came into contact with Ingeborg Engelsma and through her treatments and the Terracotta Products my blood count is now stable. I take 10 capsules of Rockstar and 6 capsules of Xi'an. I feel fit and physically excellent. Do I tell my specialists where I am being treated what I am taking? No, because they are trained in Western Medicine and do not believe in the long-established knowledge in Eastern Medicine. I sometimes wonder what Hippocrates ever started with, was it Western-oriented medicine right away or did he start with herbs, and how do today's doctors still comply with Hippocrates' teaching rules when it comes to providing maximum care? What makes me happy is a hospital like the academic hospital in Rotterdam that also works with an alternative approach for the benefit of human well-being! But being sick is not only a physical thing, it is also a psychological thing and if more attention is paid to that too, then yes, I have been able to contribute to the development of doctors and the people they work for. \
Last Tuesday, September 5, 2023 we received this message from a customer!
Good morning, it is now Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the day on which I received good news from my specialist.
As you know, in 2020, as an 87-year-old woman, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. This was followed by intestinal surgery in which part of my colon was removed and unfortunately a number of complications occurred. You could say that I have walked close to death. Now after the good care of my specialist, but certainly also through the use of your Terracotta products Rockstar, Amitabha and alternately Bohdi Zhi, I can and may report the following.
At my request, an investigation was recently conducted to determine whether the serious illness is still present in my body. Today I was told by my specialist that I am cancer free. I owe it to his actions and the use of your Terracotta products that I have been able to achieve this.
Thank you that I can continue to live with your products and enjoy every day.