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Terracotta TCM Amitabha

  • Mushroom extract
  • Vegan
  • Biological
  • Vegetable capsules
  • Hot water and ethanol extraction


Unfortunately, in the context of European legislation regarding health claims, we are not allowed to tell consumers what Amitabha can be applied to.
We may speak to you about this by telephone. If you are interested in using this product, please contact us: tel: 023 5767892. We are happy to help you!

A great trio of mushroom extracts consisting of: Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), lnonotus Obliquus (Chaga) “Black Gold” and Poria Cocos “Fu Ling”, one of the most valuable recipes in the TCM arsenal.


The composition


Poria Cocos

Poria Cocos is an edible fungus known in Chinese as “Fuling” that has been used in traditional Chinese herbalism for over 2,000 years. A “Poria Cocos Polysaccharide Oral Solution” was developed and sold since 1970 as an over-the-counter dietary supplement. In 2015, “Poria Cocos Polysaccharidum oral solution” was approved by the Chinese Food and Drug Administration.

Active ingredients Poria Cocos:

The Poria mushroom has a broad composition of nutrients and active substances. For example, it contains many polysaccharides, ergosterol, fungisterol, choline, phospholipids, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper.



Chaga – lnonotus Obliquus 

Another super mushroom in our trio is  lnonotus Obliquus , also known as “ Chaga ”, which is considered the “Gift of God” or “King of Herbs” in China, where its use in TCM dates back thousands of years . Locals in the mountainous region of Siberia drink Chaga tea daily, inhaled Chaga and used it topically on the skin. Over time, Chaga’s popularity spread west to the Urai Mountains and the Baltic regions.



Chaga – lnonotus Obliquus  is also one of the most antioxidant-rich, nutrient-dense mushrooms on earth with an ORAC score of 365,570!

Active substances Chaga:

Chaga contains many different active substances, such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, phenols and enzymes, B-complex, beta-glucans, potassium, rubidium, cesium, amino acids, fiber, copper, selenium, zinc, iron, calcium, Vit B2 , Vit D2


Ganoderma Lucidum better known as Reishi

Last but not least, Ganoderma Lucidum , often called the ‘herb of spiritual power’, symbolizes success, and divine power.

Other names: Reishi Mushroom, Red Reishi, Ling Zhi mushroom, Mushroom of Inmortality, Varnish Conck, Phantom Mushroom, Ten Thousand Year Mushroom (English), Glänzender Lackporling (German), Ganoderme Luisant (French)
Reishi is a mushroom that belongs to the ganodermataceae family. In China, the mushroom has been used for more than 4,000 years for its properties. In nature it grows at the base and stumps of deciduous trees, especially those of the maple.
Important active substances in Reishi include polysaccharides such as beta-glucans. In addition, Reishi contains many other interesting substances, including: vitamin B2, vitamin C, triterpenes and adenosine.


Active substances Reishi:

Important active substances in Reishi include polysaccharides such as beta-glucans. In addition, Reishi contains many other interesting substances, including: vitamin B2, vitamin C, triterpenes and adenosine. beta-d-glucans, Triterpene, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, potassium, ergosterol

Terracotta Amitabha  capsules are carefully formulated and of the highest quality and checked by Eurofins. All Terracotta products are 100% vegetarian and free of gluten, soy, wheat, lactose, sugar, salt, preservatives and artificial colours.

Mushrooms are good to use to support the immune system or as therapy for chronic complaints, but you must receive the right advice from your therapist. If the dose is too low or not the right combination of mushrooms, it may not do what you expect.  Therefore, always contact a mycotherapist for the best advice or call us.

Extra informatie

Gewicht130 G
Afmetingen22 × 13 cm
Product Type

180 Capsules, 90 Capsules


Bevat 90 capsules

Ingredients per capsule:

Chaga Extract – 150 mg

Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) Extract – 150 mg

Poria Cocos Extract – 150 mg

HPMC (100% vegetarische) capsules –  < 0.1mg


Dagelijks voor de maaltijd 1 tot 3 capsules tenzij anders geadviseerd.


Niet innemen wanneer men allergisch is voor paddenstoelen


100% vegetarisch ingrediënten

Alle producten van Terracotta zijn gemaakt van biologische extracten van TCM kwaliteit, bevatten geen gluten, soja, tarwe, lactose, suiker, zout, conserveringsmiddelen en kunstmatige kleuren.

Zoek een verkooppunt


      Terracotta producten zijn natuurlijke voedingssupplementen. Een gevarieerde, evenwichtige voeding en een gezonde levensstijl zijn belangrijk. Een voedingssupplement is geen vervanging van een gevarieerde voeding.


      U kunt hier lezen wat onze klanten te zeggen hebben over hun ervaring met het gebruik van Terracotta TCM paddestoelensupplementen

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